Sunday, May 8, 2016

Let It Be Sunday!

Let It Be Sunday!

Good morning friends.  Welcome to the best day of the week!  I hope you’re weekending well.  It’s May and I feel like people are starting to ease into lazy outdoor weekends and I’m thankful for it.  I’ve got a light sunburn on my back and a cheeseburger in my belly, so I feel like I’m weekending with the best of em.  

It’s Mother’s Day so act appropriately and accordingly.  Call yo mama, and your grandmama, and your auntie, and your best friend who is also a mama, and your sister, and tell them they’re the most important and the most giving and the most generous because they are. 

In very unimportant news, I think someone jumped my fence and stole my garden hose which is both totally ridiculous, and very New Orleans.  Mom, when I call you later I’ll tell you the full story but mostly it’s just that someone stole my garden hose and I don’t know how or why. 

We got word from the Internet this week.  It shows no signs of slowing: 

  If you’re in full-on I Forgot Mother’s Day mode here’s an emergency quiche (Creme Fraiche Quiche) and an emergency muffin (Brown Butter Blueberry Muffins) and you should make mama brunch and forget trying to hustle to brunch out in the world without a reservation.  That seems hard.  

 Have you listened to the new podcast by NPR called  Embedded? It’s great.  The second episode (entitled The House) dives into the small town of Austin Indiana where, because of rampant intravenous drug use, there has been a surge of HIV diagnosis.  When things like this happen in small town America, people be like whaaat?  These pain killers can be destroyers.  

•  43 years in solitary confinement.  Albert Woodfox, the former Black Panther, is the longest standing solitary confinement prisoner.  Imagine.  Just imagine 43 years of your life.  He’s a strong-souled man. 

•  Go ahead, play the woman card.  Tale as old as time really.  You should read this. 

•  The real reason some people end up with partners who are way more attractive. So there’s something to be said for befriending models.  Supes casual. 

•  The ladies room at the Met Gala.  Because even perfect people in gowns have bodily functions. I love these.  

 My friend and co-conspirator Jon Melendez wrote a book about sliders and it looks DELICIOUS and you can pre-order it now!  The Slider Effect.  

•  Every girl Drake mentions on Views.  Just in case you needed to know.  

 I really like this compilation of DIY Veggie Stamps.  The corn on the cob is pretty fantastic.  How about wallpaper? 

 I’m experimenting with Almond Flour and Coconut Sugar in the kitchen this week but I promise I’m not going to call anything paleo.  You can snag a free bag of Almond Flour by signing up with Thrive Market.  They have some amazing, healthful pantry staples, PLUS every memberships helps low-income families have access to healthy foods.  It’s a win win.  

 These are my mama’s favorite muffins:  Vegan Banana Pecan Muffins.  

 I try to keep my clothing collection pretty simple by not buying frivolous things.  The less nonsense in my closet, the easier it is to decide what to wear because it’s likely just my favorite jean shorts and a t-shirt that I love.  I know.  None of this is rocket science and I should likely stick to making cookies.  BUT!  I bought a few Summer wardrobe staples from Everlane.  Simple, classic, chic wardrobe staples that are affordable, they’re transparent about  the factories they work with, and they cut out the retail middlemen which keeps cost and drama low!  I love them. 

•  In the past year, yoga has become my body practice and brain space helper, but can we talk about the pants!?  Why do we have to wear those super super tight tights? And sweat in them.  And go to the grocery store in tight tights and get butt looks.  You know what I’m talking about.  Enough is enough.  I’m waiting for two pairs of Buddah Pants to come in the mail.  Freedom to the legs.  Let’s let those things breathe.  I got the Winter Savannah pants.  Hallelujah! 

 These Honey Cupcakes with Chamomile Cupcakes look so lovely and charming and delicious.

•  And to round out our lazy Sunday, please:  the mixed drink you can make right in your beer can.  

It really is a beautiful day.  I love you, k?

xo Joy

from Joy the Baker

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